Friday, 17 August 2012

Medical Students' Training in EHRs Inadequate

Medical Students' Training in EHRs Inadequate
Medical school students are using electronic health records at a higher rate than practicing physicians, but education is lacking. Without guidelines, physicians face significant roadblocks to adoption, according to two companion studies published in Teaching and Learning in Medicine.

In the first study, researchers from the Alliance for Clinical Education found that 64 percent of the medical school programs allowed students to use their EHRs, but only two thirds of those allowed the students to write notes in them. They were further stymied by the mechanics involved in the use of EHRs. 

"Previously, students were just able to pick up a physical patient chart. Now they need permission to use hospital computers and passwords to access the EHR. There also are concerns surrounding Medicare rules about physicians using trainees' findings in the [EHR],"  lead author Maya Hammoud, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University Michigan Medical School said in a statement.

In a related study, the Alliance, which works to enhance the education of medical students, expressed concern that limitations on medical student training in EHRs will adversely affect their overall education. The organization proposed that medical schools follow practice guidelines in training students to use EHRs, including required documentation in the systems, review of their notes, the opportunity to practice order entry in an EHR, exposure to clinical decision support tools, and development of competences related to EHR charting.

Inadequate EHR training has long been a barrier to successful EHR adoption, overwhelming and frustrating clinicians. Enhanced training of medical students in EHRs as a part of their medical school education would likely improve their competence and acceptance of EHR use as a tool.


Tags: EMR | Claimat EMR | Electronic Medical Records

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Preparing to Implement an EMR

All medical offices get great benefits if they use good medical software that allows more efficient accounting.  There are some considerations in using EMR that are really hard to ignore.

 By using this system you can save a great deal of your wasted time, money & your office space. The computerized patients chart helps you save time and all your data is stored in the system itself.

The revenue can be increased and the accounts can be managed more speedily without making any kind of errors.

E-prescription is one of the best features of the EMR software. It prevents medication errors and gets alert warnings automatically about drug reactions or unsafe drug combinations.

Using EMR Software helps you improve reimbursement rates and insurance companies also offers discount to the doctors who use full software system.

Electronic Medical Record Software helps in increasing workflow and productivity of the healthcare professionals.

The powerful built-in security features in form of encryption does not allow any one else to access your data.

The superior billing feature lets you print all that you need and also include other financial details like tax and insurance codes.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Best EMR for Your Clinic

EMR is an electronic version of patient medical records. The patient medical data is stored electronically with the help of the software (EMR). The use of EMR software can make life easier for doctors, hospitals as well as patients. It can help to streamline the overall workflow of clinics as well as hospitals, thereby helping to improve the productivity, ROI and quality of patient service.

The success of EMR implementation to a great extent depends on selecting a right or best EMR for the practice. With so many EMR vendors and so many EMR versions it becomes really very difficult to choose the best EMR for the practice.  However, an EMR with certain must have features can definitely be a good choice.

Let's consider 10 of the most important features of EMR software.

1. Web-Based and Secure Portability
2. Complete Integration with Other Medical Systems
3. E-Prescription Compatibility
4. PQRI Automation
5. Adaptive Learning (System Memorizes Data)
6. Patient Portal Accessible From Anywhere
7. Flexible, Non-Template Based Systems
8. Electronic Document Management and Imaging
9. Voice Recognition and Handwriting Recognition
10. In Compliance with Federal and State Regulations

As you can see, EMR software should be, and for the most part is, highly flexible and customizable to your needs. These are just some of the features that may help your business.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Funding Option for Implementing EMR Solution

The herculean task of assuring compliance with the proposed federal guidelines for the use of electronic medical records (EMR) comes with a hefty price tag. The expenses to hospitals and private physicians include not only the price of the software and technical support, but also the contracted manpower to enter all current data into the electronic system.

In 2009, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act was created to fund and support a paperless national health information network through the adoption of EMR solution. The stimulus is based either on Medicare OR Medicaid but not both. The incentive per practice provider began in 2011 and reduces payments through 2016. After this date a penalty of 2% less reimbursement from CMS occurs for physicians not using EMR solution.

Monday, 16 July 2012

EMR and Usability

Electronic Medical Record (EMR) companies must pay close attention to the usability of their product. Usability is the idea of making software, in this case, easy for users to learn and operate. Patients and providers alike will get the most out of an EMR if the usability is at a high level. Understanding human behavior and designing software around the user are both key to creating an EMR with optimal usability.

The EMR Usability Group is a great resource that discusses and outlines key criteria of usability for an EMR program. Key components of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) usability is interface design, interface layout, and matching the office workflow.

EMR Usability:

- Simplicity

- Naturalness

- Consistency

- Minimizing Cognitive Load

- Efficient Interactions

- Forgiveness

- Feedback

- Effective Use of Language

- Effective Information Presentation

- Preservation of Context

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Electronic Medical Records for Better Health Services

Electronic medical records serve numerous advantages to the healthcare industry including bringing about improvement in health services. The healthcare industry is being revolutionized with the introduction of electronic medical records that modernize and streamline patient record-keeping, with the goal of making care more efficient and reducing medical errors.

With the help of electronic medical records system, detailed patient history can be maintained with greater accuracy. Using an EMR can help doctors to eliminate confusion caused by illegible notes, and some experts feel that the initial cost of implementing the systems would be offset by the decrease in medical errors and unnecessary tests and treatments.

Implementation of an electronic medical records system can deliver numerous benefits including financial gains for the practice as well as hospitals, however its ability to bring about better health services to patients is considered to be a very important factor.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Important Functions of EMR Solutions

Thanks to the modern technology, there is no need for you to worry about filing huge numbers of paperwork into your patient's charts. With the use of EMR solutions, you can easily update the patient data and all other information regarding their health within your computer and save this important information at the same time.
EMR solutions are going to be needed in the future. It is important to learn the functions of EMR and how it fits into an office work flow:

1. Patient Charting

Patient visit information is put into templates or forms; to contain information such as vitals, complaints, medical histories, review of systems, physical exams, etc. Most EMR systems have pick lists, drop-down boxes, handwriting recognition, or voice recognition to accomplish patient charting.

2. Order Communication Systems

This is often referred to as a Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE). This allows the EMR system to communicate information with external systems such as laboratories, imaging centers, hospitals, and pharmacies via Health Level 7 Interfaces. This allows providers to send out lab requests, imaging requests, prescriptions, submit visit charges, and diagnosis codes to the office/billing system.

3. Clinical Decision-Making Support Systems

Alerts, reminders, and recommendations are built into the system allowing automatic clinical decision making with information in the database. It also helps doctors with coding and diagnosis. Many electronic medical records systems provide physicians with a recommended CPT code based off of Evaluation and Management (EM) rules. This allows physicians to bill payers at the highest possible rate for the services performed.

4. Document/ Image Management

It is important for offices to manage the enormous flow of paper entering their office. Offices are constantly flooded with patient intake forms, referring physician letters, lab reports, and faxes. EMRs allow doctors to access these documents on a intuitive user interface. Electronic medical records provide physicians a way to manage images such as x-rays, MRIs, and ultrasounds.

5. Patient Portal

Personal health records allow patients to access their health record from any computer with a secure internet connection. These programs include features such as appointment scheduling, refill requests, electronic intake forms, record access, outcome assessments and patient education. The patient can also grant other providers access to this information which allows provider-to-provider communication.

6. Statistics and Reporting

With the help of EMR solutions providers can create reports from databases for statistical purposes. This becomes especially useful in the case of drug recalls, health maintenance reminders and disease management.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Electronic Medical Records – A Must Have in Today’s Digital Age

Electronic Medical Records is a computerized medical record of a patient maintained in a clinic or a hospital, including the patient's demographics, medical history, treatment details etc.  Implementing EMR is a complex, expensive investment that has created a demand for Healthcare IT professionals and accounts for a growing segment of the healthcare workforce. As compared to EMR an Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a cumulative health record of an individual which is gathered across different healthcare institutions and maintained by licensed professionals involved in the person's health.

EMR refers to a paperless, digital and computerized system of maintaining patient data, designed to increase the efficiency and reduce documentation errors by streamlining the process. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Health Records (EHR) is an integral part of adoption of health information technology (HIT) and health information exchange (HIE). As part of the healthcare reform proposed by the Obama administration, up to 2 billion dollars is allocated to states for meaningful use of health IT and ensure that every person has access to EHRs by 2014.

A typical Electronic Medical Records vendor will focus on all of the business and technology needs of your practice, from choosing the best medical software solution for your needs, and making recommendations to ensure a successful installation. They can become a long-term partner if chosen wisely. For sure electronic medical records is a must have in today’s digital age.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Basics of Claim Form 1500

CMS 1500 forms are the universal claim forms used by medical providers to submit claims for their services to the insurance carriers. They are pre-printed red and white forms designed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. They were formally known as HCFA 1500 forms but they were redesigned to allow for the reporting of the NPI, or National Provider Identifier.

The CMS form is sold by the United States government printer or any of your local printers in many different configurations such as single, multi-part or continuous feed. The original forms are used for making claim. You can get a copy from an online source but unfortunately, this cannot be used in making claims. This is because the form will be processed with the help of a scanner which require that the form be of certain color and quality, failure to which the contents of the form will not be read well.

It is very important that the CMS 1500 forms are completed properly to ensure that correct payment is made. If the form is not completed properly, the claim may be denied by the insurance carrier. Many providers have practice management software that completes the forms for them, but the information must still be loaded into the practice management software program properly in order for it to be printed out in the right format.

Many of the insurance carriers have different requirements for what information goes in each box on the claim form 1500. For example, if you are billing an insurance carrier that requires authorization for the services being billed and they assign an authorization number, they may require that the authorization number be in box 23. Other carriers do not require that anything be in box 23. It is important to know the different requirements for each of the insurance carriers that you bill to.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

ONC Certified EMR

An ONC certified EMR is the one that which is certified by an ONC ATCB. ONC stands for (The Office of the National Coordinator). The certification guidelines and criteria are handled by ONC. Currently there are 6 organizations recognized by ONC as ATCB (authorized testing and certification body) namely Drummond Group, InfoGard Laboratories, Inc., SLI Global Solutions, ICSA Labs, and Surescripts LLC.

According to the ONC, aims, among other things, to improve the quality of health care while reducing costs; improve the coordination of care and information among hospitals, labs, physicians and other health care organizations; ensure that personal health records (PHR) remain secure, and promote the early detection, prevention and management of chronic illness. An ONC certified EMR could play a significant role in achieving above goals.

For the ONC to do its work, significant upgrades to health IT systems across the country will be necessary. To that end, and in response to provisions of the HITECH Act, the ONC drafted an interim final rule for an initial set of standards, implementation specifications and certification criteria for electronic health record (EHR) systems. 

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, a part of ARRA passed in 2009, created "new incentive payment programs to help health providers as they transition from paper-based medical records to EHRs.  Incentive payments totaling as much as $27 billion may be made under the program.  Individual physicians and other eligible professionals can receive up to $44,000 through Medicare and almost $64,000 through Medicaid.  Hospitals can receive millions." (Aug. 30, 2010)

The HHS further explains that "to qualify for the incentive payments, providers must not only adopt, but also demonstrate meaningful use of ONC certified EMR systems. Certifying bodies such as the ONC-ATCB ensure EHR users that their software will support the specific tasks of M

Friday, 11 May 2012

What Do You Understand By Certified EMR

A certified EMR is the one that which is certified by a certifying body. The certification guidelines and criteria are handled by ONC (The Office of the National Coordinator). Currently there are 6 organizations recognized by ONC as ATCB (authorized testing and certification body) namely Drummond Group, InfoGard Laboratories, Inc., SLI Global Solutions, ICSA Labs, and Surescripts LLC.

The ONC’s mission involves many aspects of health information technology (HIT), including policy coordination, strategic planning for the adoption of health IT and health information exchanges (HIE), establishing governance for the Nationwide Health Information Network and, above all, promoting a national health IT infrastructure.

This last mission, according to the ONC, aims, among other things, to improve the quality of health care while reducing costs; improve the coordination of care and information among hospitals, labs, physicians and other health care organizations; ensure that personal health records (PHR) remain secure, and promote the early detection, prevention and management of chronic illness.

For the ONC to do its work, significant upgrades to health IT systems across the country will be necessary. To that end, and in response to provisions of the HITECH Act, the ONC drafted an interim final rule for an initial set of standards, implementation specifications and certification criteria for electronic health record (EHR) systems.

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, a part of ARRA passed in 2009, created "new incentive payment programs to help health providers as they transition from paper-based medical records to EMRs.  Incentive payments totaling as much as $27 billion may be made under the program.  Individual physicians and other eligible professionals can receive up to $44,000 through Medicare and almost $64,000 through Medicaid.  Hospitals can receive millions." (Aug. 30, 2010)

The HHS further explains that "to qualify for the incentive payments, providers must not only adopt, but also demonstrate meaningful use of certified EMR systems. Certifying bodies such as the ONC-ATCB ensure EMR users that their (EMR certified) software will support the specific tasks of Meaningful Use.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Tips for Choosing Best Online EMR

Making the right EMR purchase the first time can be a positive experience! Keep in mind successful electronic medical record implementation will enhance your practice and improve patient care. Even if you have shortlisted the list between desktop and online EMR, selecting a best online EMR for the practice or hospital is not an easy task.

Software selection tips that can help to choose a best online EMR for the practice (or hospital):

1. Have your current and near future practice needs been defined?

    * Does the EMR interface with your billing or practice management systems?
    * Is your practice's record management methodology supported?

2. Before you purchase your EMR...

    * Compare a number of EMR systems
    * Focus on EMR systems that best fit your needs

3. Which EMR technology do you need?

    * A client-server EMR software or a web based EMR software solution
    * Does the EMR allow and support for practice growth

4. Can you get an EMR software demo?

    * Is it specialty specific
    * Is it as easy to use on complex patient cases

5. How complicated is the EMR to use?

    * Are the EMR document templates customizable?
    * Will the electronic medical record solution save your office staff time?

6. How easy is office implementation?

    * Easy and shared access among providers and staff
    * How disruptive implementation will be to your practice

7. What electronic medical record features are supported?

    * Charge capture for billing?
    * Voice recognition
    * etc, etc, etc.

8. Is the EMR solution technologically stable, compatible and flexible?

    * Is the electronic medical record solution 'certification focused'?
    * Is it stay within HIPAA compliance for privacy standards and confidentiality?

9. What is the actual cost of electronic medical record ownership?

    * Cost for EMR hardware/software license, installation, training, upgrades and maintenance
    * Is there an EMR software efficiency cost savings from successful office implementation?

10. After you purchase your software system, what then?

    * Is there reliable continuing EMR software vendor support and training?
    * Are EMR customizations easily available?

Taking into consideration the above mentioned selection tips would help to make a right decision as regards best EMR / best online EMR for the practice.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Advantages of HIPAA Compliant Solutions

 The pressure on the healthcare industry across the world including US is on the rise as regards delivery of better quality of patient care and to bring about reduction in costs. Medical IT solutions like claims processing system, practice management software, EMR (electronic medical records), EHR (electronic health records), etc. are proving to be handy in achieving the above goal. The technology is helping to make life easier for doctors, hospitals as well as patients. However, the problem being there are a large no. of vendors offering a wide range of medical IT solutions. A particular system may be suitable for the practice and other may not. In absence of some sort of standardization and guidelines the optimal results can not be expected. Here, comes the role of HIPAA compliant solutions that are developed as per the HIPAA guidelines and set of rules.

HIPAA stands for “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act”, the act was enacted in 1996. Title I of HIPAA protects health insurance coverage for workers and their families when they change or lose their jobs. Title II of HIPAA, known as the Administrative Simplification (AS) provisions, requires the establishment of national standards for electronic health care transactions and national identifiers for providers, health insurance plans, and employers. Basically HIPAA is a regulatory body that provides guidelines as one of its functions as regards the development of healthcare IT systems ultimately known as HIPAA compliant solutions.

HIPAA compliant solutions provide a no. of safeguards as against a non-HIPAA compliant / un-standardized healthcare IT system:

1) Administrative Safeguards - policies and procedures designed to clearly show how the entity will comply with the act.

2) Physical Safeguards – controlling physical access to protect against inappropriate access to protected data.

3) Technical Safeguards – controlling access to computer systems and enabling covered entities to protect communications containing PHI transmitted electronically over open networks from being intercepted by anyone other than the intended recipient.

Information systems housing PHI must be protected from intrusion. When information flows over open networks, some form of encryption must be utilized. If closed systems/networks are utilized, existing access controls are considered sufficient and encryption is optional. And many other guidelines that ensure safety and security of data, standardization of system by introducing functional features and so on.

If we sum up, HIPAA compliant solutions ensure better safety and security of data, standardization, functional features and inclusion of other privacy policy / procedures that can be helpful in achieving the optimum utilization of the system.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

How to Choose a Right EMR Solution

The importance of EMR solutions in today’s hi-tech environment can not be denied. It is believed by industry experts that he who denies the adoption of newer technology has to pay for it in terms of excessive time consumption, poor productivity and unreasonable ROI. It is also believed that if a right EMR solution is chosen and implemented, it will not only benefit doctors but to the patients as well to a great extent.

The process of choosing a right EMR solution starts with documenting the current office work flow that supports the patient encounter. This is a tedious, iterative and time consuming process that is critical to the success of any electronic medical records implementation. Document exactly what happens when a patients sees a doctor. What forms do they fill out? What happens to those forms? Are they sent to other departments? What systems is data entered into? Who are the people involved and what do they do to move the process forward? Every detail, process, form, system, technology and person involved in the process has to be properly documented to fully understand the work flow of a patient encounter. This process involves many iterations and every person that is involved in the process before a complete understanding is gained.

Once the work flow is documented, a list of vendors needs to be prepared who provide with the certified EMR solutions. On preparing the list, the requirements of the practice must be compared with the features of the respective electronic medical records solution. The factors also need to be considered such as reviews about shortlisted vendors, pricing, long term support and so on.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Desktop vs. Web Based EMR

Based on HIMSS reports for the last few years, there has been rapid pace in the adoption of EMR technology. However, a question that often disturbs is a choice between desktop and web based EMR.

Practically over a period of time everything has gone “wired”, no field is an exception to the rule. EMR’s came into existence with the desktop versions, however, looking into the widespread advantages of internet, web based EMR’s have come into existence. The biggest advantage a web based EMR would provide over a desktop version is that the data is stored centrally and the information can be accessed from any where and at any point of time. 

Another major difference between desktop applications and web based EMR software can be seen in the cost. Web-based applications are simply less expensive when compared to desktop applications. Web based applications can be used on subscription basis, which keeps out of pocket expenses low. Using web based EMR software will help you keep your startup costs to the minimum. Added to that, web based EMR software requires no investment in upgraded hardware. Thus, your IT maintenance costs will come down drastically with web based EMR software.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Major Benefits of Electronic Medical Records

EMR (electronic medical records) is all set to transform the healthcare industry. The application can deliver unmatched benefits to both doctors as well as patients. Here are the major benefits of electronic medical records:

1. Electronic medical records can be easily stored as electronic files in secure locations. The history of the patients, the notes of the practitioner, facts, statistics and figures can be stored at the same place without occupying a large physical area.

2. The electronic medical records stores very large amount of information. This makes the process of management very easy. When the documents and records have to be searched later for some use, the electronic method is the easiest. It cuts all the hassle that was involved in looking and searching the bulky records and files for hours and hours. Thus it saves a lot of time.

3. The professionals and the practitioners associated with the health care industry reaps huge benefits from the EMR transcription records when it comes to urgent situations. Unlike the earlier times, the history of the treatment and the prediction and detection of problems becomes very easy and fast and this can saves the patient from the adverse affects of prolonged medical condition.

4. When it comes to operations, where all the information if required at the tips, the electronic records or electronic medical transcription can be gained access with a few click of the mouse. This saves a lot of bother on the part of the practitioner and she/he can therefore concentrate better on the real tasks.

5. The older forms of storage of medical records saw the piling up of records in no time and therefore it was very difficult to clean the space and remove all the unnecessary records. With the electronic medical records, it is easy to manage the medical documents and the unnecessary records can be easily deleted to ensure that the storage space has only the required information.

6. The electronic medical records create the conditions for easy analysis of the medical records which would otherwise have been a very tedious job. All the statistics and analysis can be done with a few clicks of mouse. This also helps in the growth and betterment of the health care organization or clinic.

7. The electronic storage of the data is very cheap as compared to the large amount of paper work that was required traditionally. The storage space is very cheap and so is its maintenance, no more bulky cabinets and congested offices.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Medical Billing Services Management

Medical Billing Services Management:

Truly speaking, the healthcare industry is burdened with a large volume of paperwork. Many medical professionals claim they spend more time filling out forms than actually treating patients. A large portion of the endless pile of paperwork is related to coding, submitting and processing medical claims related to physician or medical billing.

With no end in sight to the volume of paperwork associated with managing a medical practice, more and more practices are outsourcing their billing function to third party companies. In this article we take a closer look at medical billing in general, issues related to medical billing and the types of service providers offering medical billing as a third party service.

Generally speaking, medical billing services management is the process of facilitating payment from patients and insurance carriers on behalf of healthcare providers. More specifically, billing refers to the process of submitting medical claims to medical insurance carriers and patients in order for healthcare providers, to receive payment for services rendered. In addition to submitting claims for payment, medical-billing includes the service of following-up on denied or non-adjudicated medical claims in order to rectify payment errors or total lack of payment.

Medical billing services management or billing management software can plays a crucial role in the overall process of medical invoicing.

HIPAA Compliant Solutions

HIPAA stands for "the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act". The HIPAA law was enacted to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the American health care system. The law includes administrative simplification provisions to establish standards and requirements for the electronic transmission of certain health care information. It also requires organizations exchanging information for health care transactions to follow national implementation guidelines.

HIPAA compliant solutions are based on HIPAA policies and hence ensure availability of  required security and safety features. There needs to be certain standardization as regards functionality as well, HIPAA compliant solutions ensure presence of certain essential features that are must for streamlining the overall processes. Hence, in a market where there are numerous vendors with a wide range of healthcare software, HIPAA compliant solutions offer better option.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Benefits of Implementing Certified EMR

For a successful implementation of EMR it is wise to create a list of features that is important for you to find a suitable EMR software program. These features may include recognizing adverse drug reactions, e-prescriptions, billing and more. The task of selecting a right EMR for the practice is not so simple with numerous vendors offering a wide range of EMR versions. In this situation, selecting a certified EMR would be a better option that ensures presence of all the standard features.

By selecting certified EMR software, you not only improve the office productivity, while gaining income and reducing expenses but also can keep you within legal limits, with access to stimulus funds as well.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Important Features of EMR Software

EMR software is specifically made for the medical profession. Instead of templates or blank items to contend with you are working with charts, invoices, appointment scheduling and e-prescriptions. This is software programmed, not for the IT consultant you bring in twice a month, but for you-the physician who doesn't have time for computers but still needs a modern day system that is completely searchable, updateable and easy to use.

Let's consider 10 of the most important features of EMR software.

1. Web-Based and Secure Portability

2. Complete Integration with Other Medical Systems

3. E-Prescription Compatibility

4. PQRI Automation

5. Adaptive Learning (System Memorizes Data)

6. Patient Portal Accessible From Anywhere

7. Flexible, Non-Template Based Systems

8. Electronic Document Management and Imaging

9. Voice Recognition and Handwriting Recognition

10. In Compliance with Federal and State Regulations

As you can see, EMR software should be, and for the most part is, highly flexible and customizable to your needs. Keep in mind that the best certified EMR programs are customizable, as they are made for physicians who work in a fast-paced environment.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Increase Efficiency of Your Health Org with EMR

EMR refers to a computer based system that is helpful for entering, automating and sharing medical information. The EMR application aims at making life easier for both doctors as well as patients. Electronic Medical Record is easy to use medical software loaded with special features and customizable settings, which is great for medical groups and solo practices.

Health organizations can get unmatched benefits if the EMR software is used in a right manner:

By using the EMR system health organizations can save a great deal of time, money & office space. The computerized patients chart helps to save time and all the patient data is stored in the system itself.

By using the EMR system the revenue can be increased and the accounts can be managed more speedily without making any kind of errors.

E-prescription is one of the best features of the EMR software. It prevents medication errors and gets alert warnings automatically about drug reactions or unsafe drug combinations.

And above all, in the end the EMR software helps patients with improved quantity and quality of patient service.